Welcome to Houston Eats

Located @ the Hexer T. Holliday
NS Bennington Building
6801 Bennington Street
Houston, TX 77028

(Pick up Catering orders from the Loading Dock is located on the right side of the building)

Contact: Pat Sykes - 713-556-2575 or
Email: Hisdcatering@houstonisd.org

The houstoneatscatering.com webpage has "Policies" Tab which includes a description for all services.
Welcome to our online catering system! Order catering without ever leaving your desk. There are 3 easy steps to creating an order and being on your way to a wonderful meal.

  1. 1.Create an account and include your method of payment
  2. 2.Select from the breakfast, lunch, or dessert menu
  3. 3.Submit your order for processing

We are proud to be your food service provider.
We will work with you to serve corporate meetings and events, dinner parties, cocktail receptions, socials and much more.
Choose from the featured menus or contact us to customize your event.

Start Your Order

Houston Eats
6801 Bennington St.
Houston, TX 77028